Midway High School students submitted more than 150 photographs and pieces of art for the annual Art on Elm Avenue event in April. Some students were honored with award ribbons in the student photography contest:
Haley Groves, second place “Dragonfly”
Haley Groves, honorable mention, “Lilly Pad”
Dezarae Jimenez, honorable mention for “Faucet”
Michael Harris, first place for “A Sea of Hills”
Michael Harris, second place for “Road Through a Mirror”
Danielle Khoury, first place with “Horse Eye”
Valentina Lind, third place for “Flower Child”
Valentina Lind, honorable mention for “Spider’s Web”
Abby Loden, second place for “Peaking”

Abby Loden, honorable mention for “Best Friends”
Hannah McAdams, third place for “Bubba”
Jasmine McLellan, third place for “Cheddar Cheese Baby”
Emma Mathis, second place for “”Sunset on the Lake”
Autumn Newman, second place for “Hidden Treasure”
Alexis Richardson honorable mention for “Through My Eyes”
Aleena Stephens first place for “Silver Flower”
Alina Torres, first place with “Eagle”
Alina Torres, second place for “Mighty Cats”
Kelsie Wilson, third place for ‘Leaf on the Rocks”
Kelsie Wilson, third place for “Ladybug”
Kelsie Wilson, honorable mention for “Lighting of the Candle”
Debrah Wright, third place for “Between the Keys”
April Yang, third place for “Castleman Creek Spring 2016”
Sarah Zylberfuden, first place for “The Gateway Through”
These students are in photojournalism, newspaper, or yearbook classes at MHS. Many are working toward a portfolio of their best work and participating in events like Art on Elm is one way to boost the quality of their final portfolios as well as their resumes. Some students also chose to sell their work at the event.
Art on Elm Avenue is an annual pop-up art exhibition and community event held in Waco in April that features fine art, music, food and more. More than 4,000 people attended this year’s event. This event aims to aid in efforts to develop urban areas and celebrate artistic culture in Waco. The event is free and open to the public.
Written by Jamie Beavers, MHS Journalism