Midway ISD once again received a ‘Superior Rating’ with 98 of 100 possible points from Financial Integrity Rating from the Texas Education Agency for 2020, displaying the district’s high standards for fiscal responsibility.

The Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas was created by the Texas Education Agency for school districts in 1999. This directed the Commissioner of Education, in consultation with the Comptroller’s Office, to develop and implement a financial accountability rating system for school districts in Texas.
The Texas Education Agency implemented the rating system beginning in 2002 to improve the management of school district financial resources. Since then, MISD has received the highest ratings available to Texas public schools. Once the rating is given, each district is required to hold a public meeting outlining the district’s rating and allowing community members to comment. This year the meeting was held during a regular board meeting on October 20th.
For more information about the TEA FIRST ratings, visit the TEA website at https://tea.texas.gov/.