Excellence Innovation

Centered Around Science

By: Samantha Marquise, MISD Intern

It is no secret that the importance of STEM is continually increasing, as our world becomes more and more advanced. Now more than ever, it is important to get our children interested in science at a young age. Second grade teachers at South Bosque Elementary are taking on this challenge first hand. Through the new grant, Centered Around Science, second grade science lessons are getting a new, innovative makeover!

Students practice science with the new center materials
Students practice science with the new center materials

The Centered Around Science grant has provided the second grade department with new materials that will enhance each unit in the science curriculum. These “centers” include items such as Visual Learning Guides and Curriculum Mastery Games that will help entice students to engage with the lesson plan. By including a multitude of different learning materials, such as graphics, diagrams, and board games, students will be able to find the way that best suits their learning style for each topic. By expanding the scientific learning materials, the current lesson plans are enhanced, and students are better able to form a connection with the materials at hand.
The implementation of the grant has been very successful thus far, reports Jennifer Davis, the leading force behind the grant. Davis shares that with the new centers, students are “digging deeper into the topics” that are being taught. The innovation that has been brought to the typical science lessons has changed the way that students are viewing second grade science! By adding the learning materials to the standard curriculum, both teachers and students have been given “different ways to think about the topics [and] to make further connections”, says Davis. By creating a more engaging and meaningful learning experience, students are able to begin to develop their passions and interests.
This enhancement of students’ science education goes beyond the second grade classroom. As students are able to develop their scientific understanding in a more engaging light, they will have more desire to continue to learn and grow. By building their foundation in science now, we are preparing them for success in the science field later.
South Bosque Elementary is very grateful for the Education Foundation’s providing of this grant. The grant has been named in honor of The Prince Family in appreciation of their long-time support of the Education Foundation.

Centered Around Science Centered Around Science