Midway was represented well at the FFA’s yearly Career and Leadership Development Events (CDE) Competition. Student’s competed in events and teams such as Vet Science, Tractor Tech, Food Science, and Farm Business Management.
The FFA’s CDE program aims to help develop college and career readiness skills in students. Students participating in FFA are challenged to develop critical thinking and effective decision-making skills, while fostering teamwork and promoting communication. The yearly competition gives students the chance to exercise the skills they have learned, while promoting the value of both ethical competition and individual achievement.
CDE and LDE events occur at the local, state and national level. They are designed and regularly evaluated to meet AFNR Career Cluster Content Standards.
Midway excelled in this year’s completion! Here’s how the team’s stacked up against the competition.
Vet Science- STATE CHAMPIONS of over 500 teams and will be representing Midway FFA and Texas FFA at the national contest in October!!
Team members- Anya Ocampos- 2nd high individual, Rachel Jones- 2nd high individual, Kyle Kowalski- 8th high individual, Claire King
Tractor Tech- top ten team! 3rd place at state!
Team members- Nash Wadsworth- 5th high individual, Austin Young- 8th high individual, Zoe Tripp
Food Science- top ten team! 8th place at state!
Team members- Caleb Montgomery, Lauren Berry, Madalyn Willis, Adriana Salazar
Farm Business Management- top ten team! 7th place at state out of over 130 teams!
Team members- Lauren Berry- 10th high individual, Isabell Benson, Rhiannon Moss, Nissa Simcik
Wildlife- 12th place team out of over 220 teams (top 5% in the state!)
Team members- Gus Routh, Brooks Barnett, Kase LeRow, Carmen Dollins
Homesite– 14th place team out of over 100 teams
Team members- Austin Young, Braeden Book, Karigan Mayfield, Dylan Goss
Cotton– 18th place team out of over 100 teams
Team members- Bailey Lapierre, Mikayla Collins, Lily Lewallen Alexis Everett
Livestock– 23rd place team out of over 650 teams (top 3.5% in the state!)
Team members- Kase LeRow, Liz Daly, Zoe Tripp, Caleb McAdams
Land- 28th place team out of over 150 teams
Team members- Jacob Brooks- 5th high individual, Delaney Moszkowicz, Cade Cruseturner, Dequan Carter
Wool- 30th place team out of over 170 teams
Team members- Savannah Johnson, Cayden Stanford, Myra Mitchell, Caroline Traylor
Poultry– 32nd place team out of over 300 teams (top 10% in the state!)
Team members- Bailey Lapierre, Alexis Everett, Colin Sims, Caleb Montgomery
Milk Quality- 36th place team out of over 220 teams
Team members- Julianna Elliott, Megan Gill, Maddi Abshier, Anna McBride
Dairy Cattle- 38th place team out of over 230 teams
Team members- Ryleigh Faubion, Brenda Peralta, Sydney Toups, Jolie Rebando
Entomology- 49th place team out of over 200 teams
Team members- Jayden Lucie, Hayden Hill, Letzy Garcia, Kaylee Guy
Congratulations to our winners and everyone that competed this year!