Digital Citizenship Week 2015 is October 18-24!
Digital Citizenship Week is a time to engage students, teachers, and families in your community in thinking critically, behaving safely, and participating responsibly online. It’s a great time to jump-start, renew, or double down on your school’s commitment to engaging students in learning important digital citizenship skills.
Every day, students are tested with each post, search, chat, text message, file download, and profile update. Do they connect with like minds or spill too much information? Do they behave creatively or borrow ideas recklessly? Do they respect relationships or inadvertently damage reputations?
Join educators and parents who are talking about it on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #HaveTheTalk. Also access free digital citizenship resources your school or district can use while celebrating Digital Citizenship Week.
You don’t want kids learning about the birds and the bees on the playground. And when it comes to navigating social media, online games, smartphones, and the Internet, it’s best for kids to get their info from a trusted source. With 92 percent of teens going online daily and nearly three-quarters of kids age 0–8 using apps, having The Talk is an essential rite of passage.
As parents and educators, we want to raise kids to be safe, responsible, and ethical in the digital world. Giving kids a solid understanding of how we expect them to behave — both online and off — starts everyone off on the right foot. Plus, it’s actually a lot easier than that other talk.