The Alexander Breckenridge Society of the Children of the American Revolution in Waco, Texas have donated Pocket Constitutions to each fifth-grade student at Midway. Along with the constitutions for each student, each Social Studies teacher at both River Valley Intermediate and Woodgate Intermediate were gifted with a DVD, “A More Perfect Union – America Becomes a Nation”, a teacher’s guide that accompanies the DVD, lesson plans, posters, and additional resources.
“We will be able to utilize these materials not only for constitution week, but for our ‘government’ unit that we cover later in the school year.” Stated, Mrs. Dana Gietzen, Integrated Studies teacher at River Valley.
The society plans on fundraising this year and hopes to be able to supply Midway and another school district next year.
The materials were delivered in advance of Constitution Week which is celebrated September 17 – 13 each year. The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) initiated the observance in 1955, when the organization petitioned the U.S. Congress to dedicate September 17–23 of each year to the commemoration of Constitution Week. Congress adopted the resolution, and on August 2, 1956, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed it into Public Law #915. George W. Bush officially declared the inception of Constitution Week in 2002. The celebration’s goals are threefold: to encourage the study of the historical events that led to the framing of the Constitution in September 1787; to inform people that the Constitution is the basis of America’s great heritage and the foundation of our way of life; and to emphasize U.S. citizens’ responsibility to protect, defend and preserve the Constitution.
The following city mayors have each issued a Proclamation designating Constitution Week for their cities: Mayor Kyle
Deaton of Waco, Mayor Don Baker of Woodway, and Mayor Travis Bailey of Hewitt. Each were also asked to participate in the “Bells Across America”. This is a celebration takes place across the United States where churches, schools, courthouses, fire houses, veterans’ homes, city governments, and individuals, are requested to ring bells on September 17. Ringing the bells at 4:00 p.m. EST in all time zones is encouraged, so that they are heard simultaneously from coast to coast.
If you are interested in learning more or joining the Alexander Breckenridge Society, please contact David Granger at [email protected] . The national website can be viewed at